Volume 52, Number 3
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J. Math. Study, 52 (2019), pp. 0-0.

Purchase PDF 1307 26979 Abstract

Karsten Eppler, Helmut Harbrecht, Sebastian Schlenkrich & Andrea Walther


J. Math. Study, 52 (2019), pp. 227-243.

[An open-access article; the PDF is free to any online user.]

Preview Full PDF 3118 30644 Abstract

Frédéric Hecht & Sidi-Mahmoud Kaber


J. Math. Study, 52 (2019), pp. 244-257.

Preview Purchase PDF 2363 30364 Abstract

Xiaolan Zhou, Mejdi Azaïez & Chuanju Xu


J. Math. Study, 52 (2019), pp. 258-276.

Preview Purchase PDF 2487 30639 Abstract

Chlo Mimeau, Iraj Mortazavi & Georges-Henri Cottet


J. Math. Study, 52 (2019), pp. 277-298.

Preview Purchase PDF 2408 29652 Abstract

Mattia Penati & Edie Miglio


J. Math. Study, 52 (2019), pp. 299-319.

Preview Purchase PDF 2248 29167 Abstract

Joao Guilherme Caldas Steinstraesser, Gaspard Kemlin & Antoine Rousseau


J. Math. Study, 52 (2019), pp. 320-340.

Preview Purchase PDF 2399 29609 Abstract

Zakaria Belhachmi, Guillaume Dollé, Christophe Prud'homme & Murielle Torregrossa


J. Math. Study, 52 (2019), pp. 341-358.

Preview Purchase PDF 2922 47226 Abstract

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