Volume 53, Number 1
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Minghui Zhong & Xianming Hou


J. Math. Study, 53 (2020), pp. 1-11.

Preview Full PDF 3164 30223 Abstract

Fatima Aboud, François Jauberteau, Guy Moebs & Didier Robert


J. Math. Study, 53 (2020), pp. 12-44.

Preview Full PDF 3136 30262 Abstract

Vagif S. Guliyev, Yagub Y. Mammadov & Fatma A. Muslumova


J. Math. Study, 53 (2020), pp. 45-65.

Preview Full PDF 3391 34329 Abstract

Bin Deng


J. Math. Study, 53 (2020), pp. 66-89.

Preview Full PDF 3358 30399 Abstract

Vagif S. Guliyev, E.J. Ibrahimov, S.E. Ekincioglu & S. Ar. Jafarova


J. Math. Study, 53 (2020), pp. 90-124.

Preview Full PDF 2901 29653 Abstract

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