Volume 54, Number 1
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Hung-Lin Chiu


J. Math. Study, 54 (2021), pp. 1-27.

Preview Full PDF 2819 30537 Abstract

Zhenghuan Gao, Xinan Ma, Peihe Wang & Liangjun Weng


J. Math. Study, 54 (2021), pp. 28-55.

Preview Full PDF 3927 32131 Abstract

Pengfei Guan & Junfang Li


J. Math. Study, 54 (2021), pp. 56-80.

Preview Full PDF 3177 30246 Abstract

Changfeng Gui, Fengbo Hang, Amir Moradifam & Xiaodong Wang


J. Math. Study, 54 (2021), pp. 81-88.

Preview Full PDF 2994 30229 Abstract

Aleks Jevnikar, Andrea Malchiodi & Ruijun Wu


J. Math. Study, 54 (2021), pp. 89-122.

Preview Full PDF 2841 29528 Abstract

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