Volume 55, Number 1
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Muyassar Ahmat & Jianxian Qiu


J. Math. Study, 55 (2022), pp. 1-21.

Preview Full PDF 2622 28151 Abstract

Laurence Cherfils & Alain Miranville


J. Math. Study, 55 (2022), pp. 22-37.

Preview Full PDF 2502 27420 Abstract

Thouraya Baranger Nouri & Faker Ben Belgacem


J. Math. Study, 55 (2022), pp. 38-53.

Preview Full PDF 2507 27171 Abstract

Xiangeng Zhou & Li Liu


J. Math. Study, 55 (2022), pp. 54-66.

Preview Full PDF 2352 27218 Abstract

Wenyang Wang & Ni Du


J. Math. Study, 55 (2022), pp. 67-70.

Preview Full PDF 2552 27089 Abstract

Jiaogen Zhang


J. Math. Study, 55 (2022), pp. 71-83.

Preview Full PDF 2346 26820 Abstract

Zafer Şiar, Fatih Erduvan & Refik Keskin


J. Math. Study, 55 (2022), pp. 84-94.

Preview Full PDF 2230 26280 Abstract

Teqing Chen & Zhiwei Li


J. Math. Study, 55 (2022), pp. 95-108.

Preview Full PDF 2334 26801 Abstract

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