Volume 52, Number 4
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Etienne Ahusborde, Brahim Amaziane, Mustapha El Ossmani & Mohamed Id Moulay


J. Math. Study, 52 (2019), pp. 359-377.

Preview Full PDF 3050 29134 Abstract

Faker Ben Belgacem, Nabil Gmati & Faten Jelassi


J. Math. Study, 52 (2019), pp. 378-393.

Preview Full PDF 2768 28179 Abstract

Hamdi Houichet, Anis Theljani, Badreddine Rjaibi & Maher Moakher


J. Math. Study, 52 (2019), pp. 394-424.

Preview Full PDF 2896 28549 Abstract

Zakaria Belhachmi, Belhassen Meftahi & Houcine Meftahi


J. Math. Study, 52 (2019), pp. 425-447.

Preview Full PDF 2724 27575 Abstract

Cornel Marius Murea


J. Math. Study, 52 (2019), pp. 448-469.

Preview Full PDF 2864 26884 Abstract

Jean Clairambault


J. Math. Study, 52 (2019), pp. 470-496.

Preview Full PDF 2791 27979 Abstract

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