Volume 18, Number 6
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Lie-Heng Wang

J. Comp. Math., 18 (2000), pp. 561-566.

Preview Full PDF 2528 23362 Abstract

Dan-Fu Han

J. Comp. Math., 18 (2000), pp. 567-570.

Preview Full PDF 2423 23628 Abstract

Tetsuya Ishiwata & Masayoshi Tsutsumi

J. Comp. Math., 18 (2000), pp. 571-586.

Preview Full PDF 2404 23578 Abstract

Ping-Qi Pan

J. Comp. Math., 18 (2000), pp. 587-596.

Preview Full PDF 2528 23595 Abstract

Dong-Xiu Xie, Lei Zhang & Xi-Yan Hu

J. Comp. Math., 18 (2000), pp. 597-608.

Preview Full PDF 2449 23623 Abstract

Jian-Song Deng, Fa-Lai Chen & Li-Li Wang

J. Comp. Math., 18 (2000), pp. 609-620.

Preview Full PDF 2452 23547 Abstract

Wen-Yu Sun, R. J. B. de Sampaio & Jin-Yun Yuan

J. Comp. Math., 18 (2000), pp. 621-632.

Preview Full PDF 2468 24022 Abstract

Ai-Guo Xiao

J. Comp. Math., 18 (2000), pp. 633-638.

Preview Full PDF 2786 23898 Abstract

Abdellatif Agouzal

J. Comp. Math., 18 (2000), pp. 639-644.

Preview Full PDF 2661 23259 Abstract

Shou-Fu Li

J. Comp. Math., 18 (2000), pp. 645-656.

Preview Full PDF 2398 24588 Abstract

Lung-An Ying

J. Comp. Math., 18 (2000), pp. 657-672.

Preview Full PDF 2387 23187 Abstract

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