Volume 8, Number 1
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Peng-Cheng Lin & Guang-Fu Sun

J. Comp. Math., 8 (1990), pp. 1-15.

Preview Full PDF 2709 24765 Abstract

Zi-Luan Wei

J. Comp. Math., 8 (1990), pp. 16-22.

Preview Full PDF 2742 24735 Abstract

Jian-Ming Miao

J. Comp. Math., 8 (1990), pp. 23-29.

Preview Full PDF 2936 25222 Abstract

Wei Yuan

J. Comp. Math., 8 (1990), pp. 30-44.

Preview Full PDF 2693 24575 Abstract

Yun-Min Zhu & Gang Yin

J. Comp. Math., 8 (1990), pp. 45-54.

Preview Full PDF 2494 24911 Abstract

Guang-Nan Chen

J. Comp. Math., 8 (1990), pp. 55-64.

Preview Full PDF 2549 24721 Abstract

Guo-Liang Xu

J. Comp. Math., 8 (1990), pp. 65-74.

Preview Full PDF 2917 25145 Abstract

Zhong-Ci Shi & Fei Zhang

J. Comp. Math., 8 (1990), pp. 75-91.

Preview Full PDF 2832 24990 Abstract

Lin-Bo Zhang

J. Comp. Math., 8 (1990), pp. 92-98.

Preview Full PDF 2500 25140 Abstract

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