Volume 28, Number 4
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J. Comp. Math., 28 (2010), pp. 429-429.

Full PDF 1605 26919 Abstract

Irene M. Gamba & Sri Harsha Tharkabhushanam


J. Comp. Math., 28 (2010), pp. 430-460.

Preview Full PDF 2382 26250 Abstract

Roberto Ferretti


J. Comp. Math., 28 (2010), pp. 461-473.

Preview Full PDF 2693 25420 Abstract

Adam M. Oberman


J. Comp. Math., 28 (2010), pp. 474-488.

Preview Full PDF 2584 25571 Abstract

J.-D.Benamou, Songting Luo & Hongkai Zhao


J. Comp. Math., 28 (2010), pp. 489-516.

Preview Full PDF 2760 26101 Abstract

Ajeet Kumar & Alexander Vladimirsky


J. Comp. Math., 28 (2010), pp. 517-551.

Preview Full PDF 2681 25207 Abstract

Susana Serna & Jianliang Qian


J. Comp. Math., 28 (2010), pp. 552-568.

Preview Full PDF 2592 25297 Abstract

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