Volume 30, Number 1
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Stefano Zonca, Paola F. Antonietti & Christian Vergara


Commun. Comput. Phys., 30 (2021), pp. 1-33.

Preview Full PDF 3394 40135 Abstract

S. Kelbij Star, Giovanni Stabile, Francesco Belloni, Gianluigi Rozza & Joris Degroote


Commun. Comput. Phys., 30 (2021), pp. 34-66.

Preview Full PDF 3305 38742 Abstract

Jiajie Chen, Xiaofeng Cai, Jianxian Qiu & Jing-Mei Qiu


Commun. Comput. Phys., 30 (2021), pp. 67-96.

Preview Full PDF 3106 37696 Abstract

Zhen Gao, Qi Liu, Jan S. Hesthaven, Bao-Shan Wang, Wai Sun Don & Xiao Wen


Commun. Comput. Phys., 30 (2021), pp. 97-123.

Preview Full PDF 3239 38725 Abstract

Cheng Wang & Pengtao Sun


Commun. Comput. Phys., 30 (2021), pp. 124-143.

Preview Full PDF 3218 38121 Abstract

Wen-Qiang Hu, Zhi-Hui Li, Ao-Ping Peng & Xin-Yu Jiang


Commun. Comput. Phys., 30 (2021), pp. 144-189.

Preview Full PDF 3041 37612 Abstract

Mingwei Dai, Shuyang Dai, Junjun Huang, Lican Kang & Xiliang Lu


Commun. Comput. Phys., 30 (2021), pp. 190-209.

Preview Full PDF 3344 38457 Abstract

Jiuyang Liang, Pei Liu & Zhenli Xu


Commun. Comput. Phys., 30 (2021), pp. 210-226.

Preview Full PDF 3474 39343 Abstract

Weiyi Wang & Zhijun Tan


Commun. Comput. Phys., 30 (2021), pp. 227-254.

Preview Full PDF 4920082 38199 Abstract

Vitaly A. Gradusov, Vladimir A. Roudnev, Evgeny A. Yarevsky & Sergey L. Yakovlev


Commun. Comput. Phys., 30 (2021), pp. 255-287.

Preview Full PDF 3069 36275 Abstract

Dominik Dierkes, Florian Kummer & Dominik Plümacher


Commun. Comput. Phys., 30 (2021), pp. 288-320.

Preview Full PDF 2779 35194 Abstract

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