Volume 9, Number 4
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Ho Yuen Chan, Eric Chung & Yalchin Efendiev


Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 9 (2016), pp. 497-527.

[An open-access article; the PDF is free to any online user.]

Preview Full PDF 2846 32743 Abstract

K. Manickam & P. Prakash


Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 9 (2016), pp. 528-548.

Preview Purchase PDF 1826 32397 Abstract

Jiang Qian, Sujuan Zheng, Fan Wang & Zhuojia Fu


Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 9 (2016), pp. 549-578.

Preview Purchase PDF 1678 32114 Abstract

Tie Zhang & Lixin Tang


Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 9 (2016), pp. 579-594.

Preview Purchase PDF 1701 31803 Abstract

Ruijian He & Xinlong Feng


Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 9 (2016), pp. 595-618.

Preview Purchase PDF 1736 32316 Abstract

Zhongqing Wang & Jun Mu


Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 9 (2016), pp. 619-639.

Preview Purchase PDF 1723 32003 Abstract

Claudia Bittante, Stefano De Marchi & Giacomo Elefante


Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 9 (2016), pp. 640-663.

Preview Purchase PDF 1699 31493 Abstract

Weiping Shen, Chong Li & Xiaoqing Jin


Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 9 (2016), pp. 664-685.

Preview Purchase PDF 1784 31735 Abstract

Congcong Xie & Xianliang Hu


Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 9 (2016), pp. 686-704.

Preview Purchase PDF 1744 31436 Abstract

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