Volume 31, Number 2
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G. L. Gao & A. Hussain


Anal. Theory Appl., 31 (2015), pp. 101-108.

Preview Purchase PDF 2931 37032 Abstract

F. A. Shah & Abdullah


Anal. Theory Appl., 31 (2015), pp. 109-122.

Preview Purchase PDF 2816 36578 Abstract

Enji Sato


Anal. Theory Appl., 31 (2015), pp. 123-137.

Preview Purchase PDF 2919 36420 Abstract

Hua Wang


Anal. Theory Appl., 31 (2015), pp. 138-153.

Preview Purchase PDF 2892 36230 Abstract

Z. X. Huang & H. P. Wang


Anal. Theory Appl., 31 (2015), pp. 154-166.

Preview Purchase PDF 2801 37042 Abstract

Y. J. Piao


Anal. Theory Appl., 31 (2015), pp. 167-175.

Preview Purchase PDF 2970 36438 Abstract

Z. Niu, K. Zhu & Y. Chen


Anal. Theory Appl., 31 (2015), pp. 176-183.

Preview Purchase PDF 2861 36270 Abstract

Q. Deng, Y. Ding & X. Yao


Anal. Theory Appl., 31 (2015), pp. 184-206.

Preview Purchase PDF 2658 36338 Abstract

S. G. Gal & V. Gupta


Anal. Theory Appl., 31 (2015), pp. 207-220.

Preview Purchase PDF 2751 35822 Abstract

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