Volume 38, Number 3
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Qi Zhang & Xinghong Pan


Anal. Theory Appl., 38 (2022), pp. 243-296.

[An open-access article; the PDF is free to any online user.]

Preview Full PDF 2810 32842 Abstract

Huashui Zhan & Zhaosheng Feng


Anal. Theory Appl., 38 (2022), pp. 297-321.

[An open-access article; the PDF is free to any online user.]

Preview Full PDF 3079 32608 Abstract

Dazhao Chen


Anal. Theory Appl., 38 (2022), pp. 322-334.

Preview Purchase PDF 2309 33352 Abstract

Yan Han & Shaoyuan Xu


Anal. Theory Appl., 38 (2022), pp. 335-350.

Preview Purchase PDF 2244 31825 Abstract

Alok Jain, Altaf Ahmad Bhat, Renu Jain & Deepak Kumar Jain


Anal. Theory Appl., 38 (2022), pp. 351-360.

Preview Purchase PDF 2302 31712 Abstract

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