Volume 25, Number 1
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Mohamed Berbiche & Ali Hakem


J. Part. Diff. Eq., 25 (2012), pp. 1-20.

Preview Full PDF 3230 35606 Abstract

G. A. Afrouzi, S. Heidarkhani, A. Hadjian & S. Shakeri


J. Part. Diff. Eq., 25 (2012), pp. 21-31.

Preview Full PDF 2598 33788 Abstract

Sadek Gala & Jia Yan


J. Part. Diff. Eq., 25 (2012), pp. 32-40.

Preview Full PDF 2849 34772 Abstract

S. D. Howison, A. A. Lacey & J. R. Ockendon


J. Part. Diff. Eq., 25 (2012), pp. 41-65.

Preview Full PDF 2641 34359 Abstract

Xiaoqiang Xie


J. Part. Diff. Eq., 25 (2012), pp. 66-78.

Preview Full PDF 3426 34870 Abstract

Tingjian Luo & Zhengping Wang


J. Part. Diff. Eq., 25 (2012), pp. 79-89.

Preview Full PDF 2491 34214 Abstract

Liang Zhao


J. Part. Diff. Eq., 25 (2012), pp. 90-102.

Preview Full PDF 2466 33726 Abstract

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