Volume 3, Number 1
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Wen Li, Lin Jiang, Wai-Ki Ching & Lu-Bin Cui


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 3 (2013), pp. 1-17.

Preview Full PDF 3417 29830 Abstract

Hideo Kawarada & Hiroshi Suito


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 3 (2013), pp. 18-26.

Preview Full PDF 3537 29541 Abstract

Farzana Hussain


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 3 (2013), pp. 27-47.

Preview Full PDF 3391 29608 Abstract

Fu-Rong Lin, Xin Lu & Xiao-Qing Jin


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 3 (2013), pp. 48-58.

Preview Full PDF 3580 29595 Abstract

Xinlong Feng, Tao Tang & Jiang Yang


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 3 (2013), pp. 59-80.

Preview Full PDF 3554 30604 Abstract

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