Volume 12, Number 4
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Asela Abeya, Gino Biondini & Barbara Prinari


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 12 (2022), pp. 715-760.

Preview Purchase PDF 59514 304443 Abstract

Jiacheng Xu & Dan Hu


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 12 (2022), pp. 761-780.

Preview Purchase PDF 2432 293437 Abstract

Xiu Ye & Shangyou Zhang


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 12 (2022), pp. 781-790.

Preview Purchase PDF 2542 293307 Abstract

Miaoyu Dai, Zhongyi Huang & Wei Zhu


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 12 (2022), pp. 791-820.

Preview Purchase PDF 2471 293308 Abstract

Wang Kong & Zhongyi Huang


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 12 (2022), pp. 821-847.

Preview Purchase PDF 2344 292819 Abstract

Qian Zhao & Bin Liu


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 12 (2022), pp. 848-873.

Preview Purchase PDF 2358 292995 Abstract

Ai-Li Yang & Xue-Qi Chen


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 12 (2022), pp. 874-890.

Preview Purchase PDF 2348 293001 Abstract

Wensheng Zhang & Atish Kumar Joardar


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 12 (2022), pp. 891-911.

Preview Purchase PDF 2354 292252 Abstract

Mingzhan Song, Songhe Song, Wei Zhang & Xu Qian


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 12 (2022), pp. 912-927.

Preview Purchase PDF 2357 291658 Abstract

East Asian J. Appl. Math., 12 (2022), pp. 928-929.

Preview Purchase PDF 2206 290052 Abstract

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