Volume 10, Number 1
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Tahereh Salimi Siahkolaei & Davod Khojasteh Salkuyeh


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 10 (2020), pp. 1-21.

Preview Full PDF 3412 34780 Abstract

Xiaoyi Zhang & Junyi Guo


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 10 (2020), pp. 22-39.

Preview Full PDF 3465 35458 Abstract

Wei Pi, Hao Wang & Xiaoping Xie


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 10 (2020), pp. 40-56.

Preview Full PDF 3234 33345 Abstract

Guanghua Ji


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 10 (2020), pp. 57-71.

Preview Full PDF 3390 33253 Abstract

Xiaoliang Cheng & Qichang Xiao


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 10 (2020), pp. 72-88.

Preview Full PDF 3046 33290 Abstract

Wei Zeng, Aiguo Xiao, Weiping Bu, Junjie Wang & Shucun Li


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 10 (2020), pp. 89-105.

Preview Full PDF 3106 33664 Abstract

Atsuhide Ishida


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 10 (2020), pp. 106-122.

Preview Full PDF 3187 33940 Abstract

Liang Xiong & Jianzhou Liu


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 10 (2020), pp. 123-134.

Preview Full PDF 3060 34474 Abstract

Yang Cao & Zhi-Ru Ren


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 10 (2020), pp. 135-157.

Preview Full PDF 3184 33718 Abstract

Yuxia Li, Cong Xie & Xinglong Feng


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 10 (2020), pp. 158-180.

Preview Full PDF 3326 34756 Abstract

Wei Liu & Yaolin Jiang


East Asian J. Appl. Math., 10 (2020), pp. 181-216.

Preview Full PDF 3045 32473 Abstract

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