Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 5 (2012), pp. 260-277.
Published online: 2012-05
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We propose an efficient gradient-type algorithm to solve the fourth-order LLT denoising model for both gray-scale and vector-valued images. Based on the primal-dual formulation of the original nondifferentiable model, the new algorithm updates the primal and dual variables alternately using the gradient descent/ascent flows. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the superiority of our algorithm.
}, issn = {2079-7338}, doi = {}, url = {} }We propose an efficient gradient-type algorithm to solve the fourth-order LLT denoising model for both gray-scale and vector-valued images. Based on the primal-dual formulation of the original nondifferentiable model, the new algorithm updates the primal and dual variables alternately using the gradient descent/ascent flows. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the superiority of our algorithm.