Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 5 (2012), pp. 1-18.
Published online: 2012-05
[An open-access article; the PDF is free to any online user.]
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A mesh-independent, robust, and accurate multigrid scheme to solve a linear state-constrained parabolic optimal control problem is presented. We first consider a Lavrentiev regularization of the state-constrained optimization problem. Then, a multigrid scheme is designed for the numerical solution of the regularized optimality system. Central to this scheme is the construction of an iterative pointwise smoother which can be formulated as a local semismooth Newton iteration. Results of numerical experiments and theoretical two-grid local Fourier analysis estimates demonstrate that the proposed scheme is able to solve parabolic state-constrained optimality systems with textbook multigrid efficiency.
}, issn = {2079-7338}, doi = {}, url = {} }A mesh-independent, robust, and accurate multigrid scheme to solve a linear state-constrained parabolic optimal control problem is presented. We first consider a Lavrentiev regularization of the state-constrained optimization problem. Then, a multigrid scheme is designed for the numerical solution of the regularized optimality system. Central to this scheme is the construction of an iterative pointwise smoother which can be formulated as a local semismooth Newton iteration. Results of numerical experiments and theoretical two-grid local Fourier analysis estimates demonstrate that the proposed scheme is able to solve parabolic state-constrained optimality systems with textbook multigrid efficiency.