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We define Toeplitz $O$-frame for operators as a generalization of the notion of $O$-frame introduced by Reinov [11]. A necessary condition for the existence of a Toeplitz $O$-frame is given. It has been proved that an $O$-frame for operators can generate a Toeplitz $O$-frame from a given Toeplitz matrix but the converse need not be true. Also, a sufficient condition on infinite matrices for the existence of an $O$-frame is given. Finally, the notion of a strong $O$-frame is defined and a necessary and sufficient condition for its existence has been obtained.
}, issn = {1573-8175}, doi = {}, url = {} }We define Toeplitz $O$-frame for operators as a generalization of the notion of $O$-frame introduced by Reinov [11]. A necessary condition for the existence of a Toeplitz $O$-frame is given. It has been proved that an $O$-frame for operators can generate a Toeplitz $O$-frame from a given Toeplitz matrix but the converse need not be true. Also, a sufficient condition on infinite matrices for the existence of an $O$-frame is given. Finally, the notion of a strong $O$-frame is defined and a necessary and sufficient condition for its existence has been obtained.