Volume 40, Number 1
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Lei Zhang, Pingwen Zhang & Xiangcheng Zheng


Ann. Appl. Math., 40 (2024), pp. 1-20.

Preview Full PDF 1175 11258 Abstract

Lianfeng (David) Liu


Ann. Appl. Math., 40 (2024), pp. 21-42.

Preview Full PDF 1117 13969 Abstract

Yanming Lai, Kewei Liang, Ping Lin, Xiliang Lu & Qimeng Quan


Ann. Appl. Math., 40 (2024), pp. 43-70.

Preview Full PDF 1054 10700 Abstract

Dawei Wu & Zhennan Zhou


Ann. Appl. Math., 40 (2024), pp. 71-104.

Preview Full PDF 1066 10830 Abstract

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