Volume 34, Number 3
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Boling Guo & Guoquan Qin

Ann. Appl. Math., 34 (2018), pp. 221-243.

Preview Purchase PDF 2122 18418 Abstract

Ailian Chen & Minyin Yang

Ann. Appl. Math., 34 (2018), pp. 244-262.

Preview Purchase PDF 1893 18298 Abstract

Xing Feng, Jianping Ou & Shaihua Liu

Ann. Appl. Math., 34 (2018), pp. 263-268.

Preview Purchase PDF 1781 19205 Abstract

Ping Hu & Zhongzhi Wang

Ann. Appl. Math., 34 (2018), pp. 269-284.

Preview Purchase PDF 1773 18042 Abstract

A.M. Mahmoud & E.S. Farghaly

Ann. Appl. Math., 34 (2018), pp. 285-301.

Preview Purchase PDF 1734 18010 Abstract

Ruifang Yan, Xiaozhong Yang & Shuzhen Sun

Ann. Appl. Math., 34 (2018), pp. 302-318.

Preview Purchase PDF 1758 18125 Abstract

Yanjuan Zhang, Hongmei Liu & Dan Jin

Ann. Appl. Math., 34 (2018), pp. 319-330.

Preview Purchase PDF 1702 17764 Abstract

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